Bloor Street United Church is governed by a Council elected annually by the congregation. Council’s goal is to carry out the will of the congregation. Council members are: a Chairperson, Secretary and Past Chair; Committee Chairs; 3 Members at Large; 3 representatives who attend the Regional Shining Waters Regional Council, and the Minister. Council meets on the fourth Tuesday of each month at 7pm. Please email [email protected] for the Zoom link.
Church Council 2023-24
Chair of Council: Laurie Gordon
Past Chair of Council: Sandra Cruickshanks
Secretary: Eric Heath
Treasurer: Andy Spears
Church Council:
Ministry and Personnel: Bob Hilliard
Finance, Administration, and Property: Bill Mowat
Worship and Christian Education: Garnet Ward
Congregation Care: Nancy Gordon
Social Justice: Nenke Jonkind
Communications: Vacant
Stewardship: Nenke Jongkind
Members at Large
Lisa Walter
Ralyma Marquez
Shining Waters Regional Representatives
Bob Hilliard
Lisa Pfau
Nenke Jongkind
Ex Officio
Rev. Douglas duCharme
Other Committees
Redevelopment Steering Committee:
Chair: Michael Hilliard
Chair: Donald Cooper
Bob Hilliard
Sue Kaiser
Bill Davis
Mary Louise Work; and
A Minister of BSUC
Worship/ Christian Education
The Worship/ Christian Education Committee encourages and nurtures the spiritual growth of every member of the congregation, young or old, new to the church or long-time members, straight or queer. Spiritual growth is fostered largely through group/community experiences to learn, discuss, explore new ideas, revisit traditional ones, or ask the big questions. We aim to develop Bloor Street United as an inspiring and visionary centre for Christian worship where we help each other to discover, develop and nurture our spirituality and grow our faith. To do this, we encourage inspirational worship through empowering preaching, using both traditional and innovative liturgy, music and dance; worship that is participatory, inclusive and supports all facets of the congregation; and worship that reflects our commitment to a theology which is liberating. We are proud to have been an Affirming congregation since 1998 welcoming members of the LGBTQ2 community not only as members but as ministerial staff. This committee supports a Church School and Nursery program during our worship service for all children coming to church. We support the minister and collaborate with others in presenting a variety of Christian development programs and seminars for adults and families.
The Communications Committee uses several media to provide information about Bloor Street’s activities to the congregation, visitors to the building and to our neighbours in a variety of communities. The newsletter, Good News on Bloor, and the church’s website are major initiatives.
Congregational Care
The aim of the Congregational Care program is to ensure members and adherents of the congregation, occasional or frequent visitors and program users feel welcome, cared for and spiritually supported in good times and in times of struggle, pain or hardship. We do this through a variety of programs including special events, education, the services of a parish nurse and personal visiting.
Finance, Administration, and Property
The Finance, Administration, and Property committee, on behalf of the congregation and Church Council, directs the financial management of the church. Our overall goal is to be good stewards of the financial and property resources which the congregation has. We support the congregation’s vision by providing both annual budget preparation and planning, and long-term financial analysis and planning.
The Property aspect is to be responsible stewards of our building and grounds. Our building provides an important community resource for many people and groups in the neighbourhood. We want to be a welcoming, clean and safe place for congregation members as well as the hundreds of people who use the building throughout the week.
Ministry and Personnel
Ministry and Personnel’s goal is to create and maintain effective working relationships among church staff including the members of the ministerial team, the administration team and building staff. We assume employer responsibilities with respect to for example, performance expectations and salary reviews, staff sabbaticals, workplace health and safety, and human rights and harassment.
Social Justice
We believe we are called to “vigorously share God’s love in inclusive partnership with neighbours near and far in pioneering ways”. The Social Justice Committee is the focal point of the congregation’s efforts to put these principles of faith into action. We do this together through social action, education and advocacy, and community outreach including refugee support.
We are called to participate in God’s mission – the mission reflected in Jesus’ life and ministry. We carry out this mission as individuals and faith communities in the way we use our time, talents and financial resources. We believe we should not be just passive recipients of God’s gifts, but we should be “stewards” of all that God has given us. “Stewardship” is our shared responsibility for the life and health of our congregation, financial and otherwise. The Stewardship Committee assists members of the congregation in making wise and generous decisions about donations of their money, time, energy, and skills to support the work of our congregation, and the work of the United Church of Canada in the world.