A Community Exploring Faith, Seeking Justice, and Living with Respect in Creation

Office & delivery address: 165 Avenue Road, Unit 402, Toronto ON, M5R 3S4

Weekly Sunday Services on Zoom and in person at 10:30am at 729 St. Clair Ave. W

Children’s Programs

We are pleased to offer weekly in-person church school using Curriculum from the GO Project. This link gives you a taste: https://thegoproject.ca/. We will have a team of 4-5 adults to lead the Sunday morning program on a rotating basis. The curriculum will provide a base and we will offer a varied programme that suits our joint congregations and the children involved. 

We will begin together in church each Sunday. Following children’s time with the minister, the pre-school children will join Laureen Nabiryo in our Children’s Corner in the Parlour for Nursery care while the school age children join our teacher in the Oakwood Room. The children’s space in the front of the sanctuary remains available to all families and children who prefer to remain in church. 

Our Children’s Ministry Team (Charlie Hatt, Annie Keay, Amanda and Michael Horn Hudecki, Cath Lofsky, Laureen Nabiryo, Michael Hilliard and Betsy Anderson) will help guide the programme along with our ministers. 

We are also pleased to offer Zoom Sunday School: Every two weeks on Zoom at 9:30am on Sundays, children are invited to attend “church school” / Sunday School! Church school teachers Bob and Melissa provide fun and engaging activities based on a United Church of Canada curriculum, for developing their Christian beliefs. Each week there is an opening prayer, we light our Christ candle, check-in with one another, share a story or video, discuss what we learned, and end with an activity or game! Content changes each time and is related to the life and work of Jesus or the week’s Lectionary passages.

Finally, we are offering a monthly Messy Church Family program on the last Friday of each month.

If you are interested in helping with this effort or would like to register your child or grandchild for the Children’s programme, please contact Betsy Anderson, our Pastoral Care and Outreach Minister ([email protected], 416-656-6064) Please send along any ideas or suggestions as well.

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