Submit a short news or church information story to the church newsletter Good News on Bloor.
Submit your favourite Bible quotation with a reason why it is important to you (for social media).
Take photos at church events and Worship services.
Write and read a prayer for worship (1-2 hours, any Sunday).
Plan and lead Sunday School (1 hour + prep time, Sundays).
Assist with A/V during a Sunday Service (~3 hours plus training, ongoing).
Suggest a speaker for an upcoming event.
Research and submit Green Tips for the Bloor Broadcast (50~ words of what people can do, including links for further information).
Assist with English conversation groups with the Refugee Outreach Program.
Congregational Lunches
A time for good food and wonderful conversations. Luncheons are held monthly on the second Sunday and extend the joy and laughter of being a part of a church community. Lunches are either catered or prepared by people in the congregation who take delight in devising menus and serving their friends a hearty light usually vegetarian lunch. All are welcome.
Helping During the Sunday Service
Welcome people to church. The worship experience at Bloor Street begins when you enter our doors. Warmly greeting newcomers, visitors or long-time members and providing them with a program for the service is an important part of community building. Becoming a greeter is an easy and friendly way of meeting fellow Bloor Streeters and enriching the life of the community.
Take up the offering. Another way to help during the Sunday service is to take the offering plates of our givings up to the communion table at the front. As a group we quietly receive people’s offering envelopes each Sunday and then two people walk to the front of the church to present our gifts. Another easy way to help and participate in the life of the community.
Be a reader or offer a prayer. An important part of our Sunday service is the participation of members of the congregation in the service itself. Reading a scripture passage, a psalm and leading us in saying the Lord’s Prayer together is one way to participate. Another gift you may have to offer is preparing and delivering the “prayer of the people”. No one is born knowing how to pray – it’s a craft we are taught, practice and learn and learn over time. This is where you offer to God our thanks, our prayers for others in need and our prayers for the world.
Serve coffee after the service. Following the Sunday service, the congregation migrates out of the Sanctuary for coffee, tea, juice, sometimes cookies, and always good conversations. A team of people arrive a bit early on Sunday morning to brew the coffee and get any snacks ready for after the service. This team usually serves refreshments and enjoys a bit of conversation at the same time. Hospitality is an important aspect of community life; joining a coffee hour refreshment team is a great way to meet new people and engage in a role that is really appreciated by the congregation.