We call it Lectionary – it’s simply talking together about the scripture the minister will preach about on Sunday. Since the same Lectionary is followed by congregations all around the world, it helps us imagine people sitting around a table reading the same bible passage in Angola or Australia or Alberta. You can see which Lectionary text we’ll be discussing each week here via the Vanderbilt Theological College.
This small group meets on Zoom from 8:45 – 10am on Thursdays. Following a check-in and opening prayer, someone will read the passages, and we discuss our thoughts and feelings, ask and answer questions, and share our opinions relating to these. We close with a prayer, and wish each other well on our day and week to come.
Alternatively, you can call 647-374-4685 or 647-558-0588, enter ID 361 611 8730, then press # #.
Meeting ID: 361 611 8730
Passcode: zoomchurch
Contact [email protected] for details